Club Philosophy and Team Formation
The following is an explanation of the philosophy of the Derinya Basketball Club, which guides the selection sub-committee when we meet each year and perform the unenviable task of selecting and registering nearly 50 teams consisting of over 350 players.
Our philosophy is to foster and promote the sport of basketball to all genders and to all grade levels in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. We aim to encourage kids to be active, make new friends and learn and grow from the benefits of participating in a team sport.
The Derinya Basketball Club’s goal is to provide a team for all eligible registered players. This aligns with the philosophy of our club, meaning our players will never miss out as we will always encourage and accommodate children who want to play the great sport of basketball. Therefore, the committee will make decisions on team formation with this goal in mind.
The club has a team formation sub-committee, which comprises the President, Secretary and Enrolment Officers. When the child of a sub-committee member is in a team or year level requiring a determination by the sub-committee, that member abstains from decisions regarding that cohort. This eliminates any real or perceived conflict of interest or bias during team selection.
Parents should know that they have a voice, and we encourage any issues or concerns regarding team selection to be brought to our attention. The committee makes decisions based on what they believe to be the best and fairest option for all concerned. These outcomes are not always popular, and pleasing everybody all the time is not feasible. The purpose of the selection sub-committee is to make independent decisions to the benefit of all players.
We, as a club, consider that large teams should be avoided whenever possible. With nine players, an option to rotate a player off for each game helps with game time substitutions, but further reduces game time for the players. It is incumbent on each individual team to choose how they manage their players regarding any player rotations or byes.
Team formation can be an emotive topic, with a range of different approaches taken by various clubs from a total hands-off approach, where teams are formed by players/parents with no input from the club, to running intensive grading for each season. Derinya Basketball Club’s position is to aim to keep continuity for teams as much as possible. However it is not always possible to do this, and, in keeping with the club’s philosophy to ensure a player doesn’t miss out, the team formation sub committee will intervene to find an appropriate team for each player. An advantage of a school and club this size is we are able to accommodate players of all abilities from beginners right through to representative-level.
Historically around Grade 3 or 4 is when it becomes evident which players wish to play at a competitive level, verses those that would prefer a more social game. Based on feedback from coaches and team managers it may be considered in the best interest of everyone in a year level to move players between teams to continue their ongoing enjoyment of the game. This could involve moving a small number of players between a couple of teams, or it might be a larger process involving several teams. The club is committed to being transparent about any decisions and will give parents plenty of notice if this course of action is being considered.
Parents should know that they have a voice, and we encourage any issues or concerns regarding team selection to be brought to our attention. The committee makes decisions based on what they believe to be the best and fairest option for all concerned. These outcomes are not always popular, and pleasing everybody all the time is not feasible. The purpose of the selection sub-committee is to make independent decisions to the benefit of all players.

Key Dates
Derinya Basketball Club participates in the Frankston District Basketball Association (FDBA) junior domestic competition. FDBA runs two seasons per year: a Winter season, which runs during Terms 2 and 3 of a school year, and a Summer season, which runs during Term 4 and Term 1 the following year.
Registration for each season opens in February for the Winter Season and August for the Summer Season. Keep an eye out for definite dates! The current season dates can be found here: